‘Hyundai Mobis Moving Large Screen Display’

Hyundai Mobis has gathered innovative display technologies to set the standard for futuristic digital cockpits.

The digital cockpit serves as an infotainment system installed in front of the driver and passenger seats, providing various driving information and visuals, while also connecting with the outside world. With the recent acceleration of autonomous driving and electrification technologies, this field faces fierce global technological competition.

The M.VICS 5.0 unveiled by Hyundai Mobis on the 11th is the latest version of the next-generation integrated driver seat system encompassing such digital cockpit technologies. Since first introducing the M.VICS in 2021— the world’s first system capable of analyzing biometric signals such as driver posture, heart rate, and brain waves—Hyundai Mobis has continued to upgrade this concept each year.

The newly presented M.VICS 5.0 focuses on the convergence of various display technologies, as evidenced by its product development motto, “All You Can See.” Notably, in terms of design, it integrates a wide front area from the left pillar (column) of the driver’s seat to the right pillar of the passenger seat into one expansive display cockpit without boundaries. Additionally, it has fused technology that adjusts the size and angle of the display panel according to the driving mode.

The M.VICS 5.0 consists of a total of five display panels. A 27-inch main screen that shows the instrument cluster, map information, media, and more; a 12.3-inch high-definition screen for the passenger; a 7-inch screen displaying various vehicle status information; and a button control unit, all seamlessly connected as if they were one large display, providing a spacious and open driving environment. Furthermore, a projection display equipped with touch and haptic (physical feedback) capabilities has been added below the large screen, enhancing convenience.

Hyundai Mobis has enabled each display panel to function independently based on its specific use and environment, while allowing integration into one unified screen as needed, achieving a ‘separately yet together’ integration. It offers various contents such as the instrument cluster, navigation, and infotainment on the expansive screen, enabling experiences that exceed passengers’ expectations from vehicle displays.

The entire display panel adopts a variable system that can move up and down and adjust its tilt. Its ability to be optimized for size and position according to driving situations is impressive. In the standard ‘Drive Mode,’ part of the panel can lower below the dashboard, switching to a smaller display size. In ‘Theater Mode’ for enjoying video content, or ‘Relax Mode’ for rest, the tilting and size of the display are also automatically adjusted according to the lowered steering wheel and seat tilt.

By separating the operation of the driver’s and passenger’s display screens based on the presence of a passenger, it restricts media viewing that could hinder safe driving. Hidden speakers nestled within the pillars and headrest speakers provide independent sound to the driver and passengers, enabling each to concentrate on their desired mode. This represents a next-generation integrated solution applicable to autonomous vehicles, where the driver will have less need to hold the steering wheel.

The large screen display at the front of the vehicle is flanked by pillars equipped with lighting technology that features a warning function to prevent rear-side collision accidents upon entry and exit. Furthermore, it employs color scenarios to help reduce motion sickness. Additional features include real-time monitoring of driver drowsiness and inattentive driving through cameras mounted on the steering wheel and overhead, which issue warnings in emergencies. A range of technologies for passenger safety, including slim airbags for the steering wheel, roof airbags for the passenger, and knee airbags, are also integrated.

In the development of M.VICS 5.0, Hyundai Mobis has filed for nine new patents related to parts and package design, as well as UX (user experience) technology. In 2023 alone, Hyundai Mobis registered over 1,700 patents as part of strengthening its technological competitiveness to lead the future mobility market.

Meanwhile, Hyundai Mobis is continuing aggressive sales activities to enhance its order portfolio centered around key components in electrification, electronics, and autonomous driving. The M.VICS 5.0 future mobility solution is also slated for proactive promotion to key global clients.

Contact: 이상진 daedusj@autodiary.kr