The champion of certified pre-owned vehicle sales for Mercedes-Benz was born not in Seoul, but in Gwangju. It is Manager Moon Do-hwan (38) from the Shinseong Motors Gwangju Suwan certified pre-owned vehicle showroom. The fact that a national sales champion has emerged from Gwangju, a city with a relatively small population, is quite unusual and makes this achievement even more significant.

Originally a car technician, Manager Moon transitioned to sales to engage more with customers. Through constant communication with clients, he rose to the top as the sales champion. He began his career in 2010 as a technician at Audi Go Jin Motors, transitioned to sales in 2014, passed through Mercedes-Benz Hanseong Motors in 2016, and joined Shinseong Motors in December 2017. On the 20th of last month, as the summer heat approached, we conducted an interview with Manager Moon at the Gwangju Suwan certified pre-owned vehicle showroom of Mercedes-Benz Shinseong Motors.

Last year, Manager Moon sold over 180 certified pre-owned Mercedes-Benz vehicles. He humbly reflected on becoming the national sales champion.

“I always strive to present a good impression to customers. I frequently contact departing customers. I check on them one day, one week, and one year after their purchase, sending out about 300 messages daily from my customer list. Additionally, when customers make reservations at the service center, I make sure to personally call the technicians and ask for their assistance. Thus, customers are naturally informed that it was Manager Moon who called them. If possible, I also visit the service center on the day customers’ vehicles are being serviced.”

His passionate and dedicated approach to customer service has shaped him into the sales champion he is today. When asked if there was a memorable experience in his sales career, Manager Moon recounted a special memory.

“I have a client in the livestock industry with whom I’ve built a relationship across multiple brands. I asked a friend of his to handle the vehicle consultation in my place and just sign the contract, which led to an immediate deal. Not only that customer but also his family has purchased certified pre-owned vehicles through me.”

He actively addresses customer complaints as well. For customers who bring their cars in due to warning lights on the dashboard, he sometimes lends them his personal vehicle. Customers have expressed their surprise, saying, “No other used car salesperson offers a loaner vehicle,” showing their appreciation for his commitment.

When it comes to used cars, a strong image of ‘used car dealers’ prevails. Did he face discount requests from customers? He responded.

“Most customers do ask for discounts. However, while traditional used car dealers impose sales commission and inspection fees, we do not have these costs. Our financing options are not more expensive than those from used car dealers. Moreover, we take responsibility for the cars we sell and offer a sales consultant like Manager Moon, who provides all necessary information about the vehicles.”

He shared the advantages of Mercedes-Benz certified pre-owned vehicles.

“We only sell vehicles that have undergone 198 rigorous certification tests and have no accidents within 6 years or 150,000 km. All our inventory is listed on the Mercedes-Benz Korea online sales site, ensuring no false listings. Additionally, we offer a one-year, 20,000 km warranty, allowing customers to purchase vehicles with quality rivaling that of new cars. The biggest advantage is that while new cars require a waiting period, we can provide a vehicle on the same day.”

Lee Sang-jin