Beam Mobility, a personal mobility sharing service company, has released the second edition of its newsletter content ‘BeamPeople: People Who Ride Beam’ featuring user stories.

‘BeamPeople: People Who Ride Beam’ is a content series that presents interviews with actual Beam Mobility users, sharing their lifestyles and delightful experiences while highlighting social trends that are changing through personal mobility (PM). Full interviews are available on the official website and via the newsletter.

The spotlight of the second episode of BeamPeople is on a university student in their twenties attending school in Seongdong-gu, Seoul. He pointed out ‘time-saving’ and ‘convenience’ as the biggest attractions of the Beam Mobility electric scooter. He stated, “Even though the distance from school to my part-time job is short, the fatigue was high due to three transfers and long wait times,” adding, “By using Beam Mobility for short distances where public transport is unavailable, I’ve been able to save 30 minutes of time and energy every day.”

Regarding requests related to electric scooter usage and policies, he mentioned, “In Seoul, there are more no-parking zones for electric scooters than expected, and there are times when I face inconvenience when returning after use,” and suggested, “If return locations are only available far from the destination, the convenience as a first-last mile transport option decreases, so it would be great if a parking program considering user convenience could be implemented.” He also expressed, “I’ve experienced a new lifestyle through shared scooters,” hoping that “the personal mobility service continues to be utilized in our society.”

A Beam Mobility representative stated, “In the future, we aim to share the positive perceptions of shared personal mobility not only among personal mobility users but also non-users, based on the experiences of BeamPeople from various age groups, professions, and lifestyles,” and added, “We plan to actively reflect the user feedback collected through user interviews in enhancing Beam Mobility services and product development.”

Lee Sang-jin