“A.Dot provides information on the congestion levels of the nearest subway station via voice command.” Photo: Lee Sang-jin

On the 26th, SK Telecom announced a major service overhaul for its AI service “A.Dot”. SK Telecom stated that it aims to enhance the role of A.Dot as an AI personal assistant that assists in daily convenience.

The biggest feature of this revamp is the multi-LLM (Large Language Model) agent search, enabling flexible conversations. The conversational search exceeds expectations. At 6 PM, A.Dot suggests, “Take a moment to relax.”

I inquired about the congestion level at my local subway station. A.Dot advised, “Avoid the 2nd and 6th cars, as those are where most people exit.” During rush hour, avoiding crowded cars becomes a game of chance. With A.Dot, users can now be informed which cars to avoid during peak times, allowing for a bit of a respite in less crowded areas.

By voice command, I called out “Auto Diary’s Lee Sang-jin”. The journalist’s credentials appeared sequentially, with detailed information about external column activities. This is thanks to AI search engines like Perplexity, A.X, ChatGPT-4, and Claude Haiku.

There is a music agent section. When I searched for a specific artist’s song by voice command, it promptly played the requested tune. Additionally, when I input the command ‘upbeat and cheerful songs’, A.Dot flawlessly provided the music that the journalist desired.

“I could immediately find information about myself with just a voice command.” Photo: Lee Sang-jin

There is a media agent that guides users to popular dramas and connects them directly to associated OTT platforms. A.Dot is like a friend who knows the current trending shows.

Movie ticket bookings can also be made through voice commands with A.Dot. When I simply stated the movie I wanted to see, it guided me to a nearby theater while providing availability and timings, asking, “Shall I make the reservation?” Now, there’s no need to enter a theater app just to find desired showtimes.

A daily section automates the user’s weekly schedule from recorded phone calls, ensuring users stay informed about their week effortlessly. Gone are the days of jotting down in diaries or calendars. A.Dot acts as a personal assistant, keeping track of the user’s conversations to inform them of their weekly activities without disturbance.

A.Dot has evolved with its multi-LLM capabilities, establishing itself as a true personal assistant.

Lee Sang-jin daedusj@autodiary.kr