‘Incheon’s Seo-gu member Lee Yong-woo and Mercedes-Benz Korea Vice Presidents Killian Teller and Honore Chukuno hold a meeting at Lee’s local office to discuss the EQE fire incident.’ Photo credit: Lee Yong-woo’s Facebook

Mercedes-Benz Korea met with local lawmakers on the 1st regarding the apartment fire incident in Cheongna, Incheon.

Representative Lee Yong-woo of the Democratic Party mentioned on his Facebook that he held a meeting at his local office on the morning of the 7th with Mercedes-Benz Korea’s Honore Chukuno, Senior Vice President, and Killian Teller, Vice President, along with local city and district council members.

During the meeting with the Mercedes-Benz executive team, Representative Lee stated, “Mercedes-Benz Korea must take responsibility proportionate to its sales share in the domestic automobile market,” and requested, “Please show a proactive attitude.”

According to Lee’s office, the representatives from Mercedes promised four commitments during the discussion: the early return of Matthias Weitzel, the President of Mercedes-Benz Korea, who is currently on a business trip abroad, a meeting between Mercedes executives and local residents to be held within the week, support for the community from Mercedes-Benz Korea, and ongoing communication with the region. Lee added, “I will do my best to ensure that the commitments made by Mercedes-Benz Korea are fulfilled as soon as possible.”

Lee Sang-jin daedusj@autodiary.kr