KT announced on the 8th that starting from the 9th, it will introduce a care program allowing users who lose their mobile SIM card (USIM) abroad to continue using roaming services through eSIM conversion activation.

Previously, if a user lost their mobile SIM card, they could only solve the problem by either returning to their home country to handle the reactivation or having a representative issue a new SIM from a plaza or agency and send it abroad, which made it quite inconvenient.

In light of the increasing usage of mobile phones for searching, booking, and navigation while traveling abroad, KT prepared this eSIM conversion activation service to minimize inconveniences in the event of a loss.

This service will be particularly useful if the user has brought an extra eSIM-compatible phone or can acquire an eSIM-compatible device locally in case of losing their mobile SIM abroad.

If a user loses their mobile SIM card while abroad, they can apply for temporary suspension of the lost SIM and activation of an eSIM through KT’s roaming customer service center, which is available 24/7 (02-2190-0901). Applications can also be made online through KT.com. (9 AM to 8 PM, weekdays/Saturdays)

After applying for activation, the customer can connect to WiFi with their available mobile phone to receive the eSIM and continue using roaming services.

Kim Young-gul, head of KT’s Customer Division, stated, “We will continuously introduce more convenient roaming services for our customers to enjoy their overseas trips with KT.”

By Sang-jin, daedusj@autodiary.kr