‘BMW 5 Series’

In the first half of 2024, sales of imported cars totaled 125,652 units, reflecting a decrease of 3.9% compared to the same period last year when 130,689 units were sold. Along with domestic cars, imported ones are experiencing a general sales slump.

The best-selling brand in the first half was BMW, which recorded 35,130 units sold, down 7.8% from 38,106 units the previous year. Mercedes-Benz sold 30,010 units, 15.3% fewer than last year’s 35,432 units. The market shares of BMW and Benz were 28% and 24%, respectively, down by 1% and 3% from last year.

Looking at the registration numbers by engine displacement, 59,377 units (47.3%) were under 2,000cc, indicating that half of the customers buying imported cars preferred compact models with lower maintenance costs. By country of origin, European cars accounted for 90,224 units (71.8%), showing a strong preference among imported car buyers for European vehicles.

In terms of fuel type, hybrid vehicles totaled 59,552 units (47.4%), indicating that half of the imported car buyers chose fuel-efficient hybrid options.

The top-selling models in the first half were led by the BMW 5 Series (10,156 units), followed by Tesla Model Y (10,041 units) and Mercedes-Benz E-Class (8,907 units).

‘Mercedes-Benz E-Class’

By Lee Sang-jin daedusj@autodiary.kr