‘Lotus Super Electric SUV ‘Electra”

The Lotus Electra has completed its emissions and noise certification.

According to the Automotive Emission and Noise Certification System (KENCIS) under the Ministry of Environment, it was revealed that the Electra completed its certification on the 5th.

The Lotus Electra is a high-performance electric SUV that was previewed in September last year alongside its domestic brand launch. The Electra and Electra S boast a WLTP-rated driving range of over 600 km and a peak output of 612 horsepower, while the Electra R offers an impressive 918 horsepower.

The models that have completed certification are the Electra and Electra S. Both the Electra and Electra S can travel up to 463 km and have been certified for a winter driving range of 320 km. With the certification now complete, Lotus plans to begin full-scale sales starting with customer deliveries in the second half of the year.

Isangjin daedusj@autodiary.kr