The vehicle infotainment system ‘TMAP AUTO’ from Tmap Mobility has been acknowledged for its excellence by a global SDV (Software Defined Vehicle) cybersecurity expert.

Tmap Mobility announced on the 9th that it successfully completed a security evaluation in accordance with the international standard for automotive cybersecurity engineering (ISO/SAE 21434) through a cybersecurity assessment conducted by AUTOCRYPT.

AUTOCRYPT is a global automotive security expert that offers automotive security consulting, security solution development, security testing, and security evaluation through more than 17 years of automotive security research.

As vehicles transition to a software-centered model, certification and regulation related to automotive cybersecurity are becoming stricter. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has established vehicle security regulations (UNR155), and South Korea published a revision to its Motor Vehicle Management Act in February of this year that mandates a cybersecurity management system.

As a result, all automotive manufacturers must obtain the necessary cybersecurity management system certification and type approval compliant with national regulations to sell vehicles and parts. Tmap Mobility explained, “This project holds significance as it represents the objective evaluation of Tmap Mobility’s cybersecurity level by a third party, thus verifying that TMAP AUTO has established a cybersecurity response system that complies with both domestic automotive management laws and international standards.”

TMAP AUTO also demonstrated exceptional safety during penetration testing. The AUTOCRYPT RED team, composed of automotive hacking experts, tested the system’s security vulnerabilities based on specific cyberattack scenarios, confirming that high levels of security were maintained in all areas, including personal data leakage and payment bypass.

Tmap Mobility is already recognized as a company with top-level cybersecurity capabilities in the country, having obtained certifications such as ‘A-SPICE’, the international standard SW quality and capability evaluation model, as well as others since 2021 for: ▲ Automotive cybersecurity engineering international standard (ISO/SAE 21434) ▲ Automotive supply chain information security international standard (TISAX) ▲ Quality management system international standard (ISO 9001) ▲ Environmental management system international standard (ISO 14001) ▲ Occupational health and safety management system international standard (ISO 45001).

An Young-jin, Mobility Quality Engineering Leader at Tmap Mobility, emphasized, “Since there exists a possibility of personal data theft through software or accidents caused by unintended actions of drivers, TMAP AUTO has prioritized safety from the early stages of software design and has established a stringent security system.” He added, “Going forward, Tmap Mobility will continue to strengthen its position as a leader in future mobility through its unparalleled cybersecurity solutions.”

Seo Jang-jin