On April 1, SK Telecom announced the launch of the ‘DevOcean Open Lab,’ a study program under the representative developer community ‘DevOcean’ of the SK Group, inviting participants to join.
‘DevOcean’ serves as a developer relations channel facilitating communication and sharing between AI development experts from SKT, SK hynix, SK C&C, SK Broadband, SK Planet, and external technical talent. It was launched in 2021.
Building on ‘DevOcean,’ SK Telecom has introduced the ‘DevOcean Open Lab’ to foster knowledge sharing through AI-centric study programs led by expert members, aiming to create a healthy culture of development based on communication and collaboration.
Additionally, to enhance the expertise of the study program, AI experts active in DevOcean will directly participate in the ‘DevOcean Open Lab.’
From April 1 to 14, SK Telecom will recruit participants for the study program through the information page on the DevOcean site.
The ‘DevOcean Open Lab’ will run for approximately three months from April to July, covering a total of 10 study programs centered on AI-related topics such as ▲ Generative AI ▲ OpenLLM ▲ LLMOps, and essential areas for AI developers including ▲ Backend ▲ Network (Infra). *See attached reference
Moreover, SK Telecom plans to share the operation process of the ‘DevOcean Open Lab’ as ‘DevOcean’ content, allowing developers who cannot participate directly to continue sharing and growing. After the study program concludes, there will be an internal presentation to share results, and in the case of outstanding topics, they will be presented externally in seminar formats.
Jang Sang-sik, CHRO of SK Telecom, stated, “At this time of drastic changes in the development environment due to the rapid growth of AI technologies like LLM and Generative AI, I expect the ‘DevOcean Open Lab’ to evolve into a platform for collective intelligence encompassing developers within and outside the SK ICT family.” He added, “SK Telecom will actively support the growth of developers through the advancement of the AI development ecosystem as well as communication and sharing.”
Lee Sang-jin daedusj@autodiary.kr