Volvo Car Korea is holding the ‘2023 Hey Plogging, Volvo Road’ as part of its 2023 environmental campaign.
This year’s ‘Hey Plogging,’ now in its sixth iteration, was launched in 2019 by Volvo to promote the plogging culture that originated in Sweden. The concept of ‘2023 Hey Plogging’ is to create a cleaner ‘Volvo Road’ by participating in various plogging events, starting from pre-registration on July 13 (Thursday) and continuing for eight weeks from July 20 (Thursday) to September 13 (Wednesday).
The plogging campaign includes a personal plogging challenge through the running and walking platform ‘RunDay,’ regional plogging events with three plogging crews (PloggingUs, EES, Dasihaebom), and an offline plogging event hosted by Volvo.
Participants can challenge themselves in the ‘Volvo Road Challenge’ on the RunDay app. The personal challenge, ‘#MyVolvoRoadChallenge,’ allows them to plog along with a support message from the founder of plogging, Erik Ahlström, following the letters V/O/L. There is also a collective challenge, ‘Volvo Road 40,075!’, where all participants aim to cover the distance of one lap around the Earth (40,075 km) through plogging.
In addition, Volvo Car Korea will conduct regional plogging events called ‘Volvo Road with Crew’ in collaboration with plogging crews such as PloggingUs, EES, and Dasihaebom, as well as an offline plogging event titled ‘Volvo Road Day’ planned for August.
Lee Yoon-mo, CEO of Volvo Car Korea, stated, “Plogging is more than just picking up trash while running; it brings significant meaning to our lives and the planet we inhabit. I urge everyone to participate in the ‘Hey Plogging, Volvo Road’ campaign, which shares the value of sustainability that Volvo Car aims for through small actions in our daily lives to protect the Earth’s environment.”
Meanwhile, Volvo Car Korea announced in June that it would conduct the ‘2023 Environmental Campaign’ themed around the safety of the Earth, proposing life changes for a better future.
As the first initiative, they collaborated with domestic artists during the ‘2023 Busan Design Week’ under the concept, ‘A Home for My Child’s Tomorrow,’ showcasing various objects made from over 30 discarded automotive materials collected from official service centers. Alongside the ongoing ‘2023 Hey Plogging’ campaign, they will continue a range of eco-friendly activities to expand the theme of greening urban spaces, including the Nabu donation campaign.
Lee Sang-jin