
Exciting Developments at the 12th International e-Mobility Expo: A New Era for Electric Mobility

The 12th International e-Mobility Expo will be held for four days from April 8, 2025, at Jeju Shinhwa World.

On the 26th, the organizing committee for the 12th International e-Mobility Expo held its launch ceremony at the Sejong Law Firm conference room, announcing that it will take place from April 8 to 11, 2025, at Jeju Shinhwa World.

During this launch ceremony, Oh Young-hoon, the Governor of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, was appointed as the honorary chairman, and Ossama R. Hassanein, Chairman of Silicon Valley, was appointed as the honorary organizing committee chair. Also, nine advisors were appointed, including former Deputy Prime Minister Oh Myung, former Green Growth Committee Chairman Lee Seung-hoon, Black Yak Chairman Kang Tae-sun, environmental foundation Chairman Choi Yeol, former Korea Times Editor-in-Chief Kim Su-jong, former Hyundai Motor Vice Chairman Lee Hyun-soo, Member of the National Assembly Wi Seong-gon, Member of the National Assembly Moon Dae-rim, and Member of the National Assembly Kim Han-kyu.

The organizing committee appointed Hee-bum Lee, former Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, as the Permanent Chair, along with other leaders including Moon Guk-hyun, Chairman of the Silicon Valley Investment Promotion Business Forum, Cho Hwan-ik, former President of Korea Electric Power Corporation, Kim Il-hwan, Chairman of the National Universities’ Council, Bang Seung-chan, President of the Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Lee Tae-sik, President of the Korea Council of Science and Technology Organizations, Jakobo Shamashe, former Vice President of the State University of New York, Edmund Araga, Chairman of the ASEAN EV Association Network, Son Woong-hee, President of the Korea Robot Industry Promotion Agency, Lee Jun-ho, future President of the Electrical Society of Korea, Ko Moon-hyun, President of the Korean ESG Society, Gil Hong-geun, Permanent Chairman of the Korean Electric Ship Association, former Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Vice Governor Kim Hee-hyun, and Kim Dae-hwan, Chairman of the World e-Mobility Council as Co-Chairs.

The global transition to electric vehicles is an unstoppable trend. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), last year the worldwide sales of electrified vehicles surpassed 13.88 million units. This figure includes both electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrids (PHEVs), representing a growth of 12.5 times compared to six years ago in 2017. While the spread of eco-friendly electric vehicles has firmly taken hold worldwide, electric vehicle safety issues due to vehicle fires have become a new barrier to overcome in Korea. However, the electrification of mobility is establishing itself as the prevailing trend, moving beyond the safety issues surrounding batteries.

The International e-Mobility Expo aims to focus on e-mobility areas beyond electric vehicles, including electric ships and urban air mobility (UAM), aspiring to establish itself as the ‘Davos Forum for e-Mobility.’ Through the regularization of an investment promotion forum in Silicon Valley, it aims to become a sustainable global business expo, propelling Korea as a hub for e-mobility exports. By hosting related forums, the expo intends to proactively respond to global issues such as carbon neutrality and lead the green energy transition. By creating a business platform for e-mobility involving electric vehicles, electric ships, UAM, and backing it with advanced technologies in digitalization, AI, and IT, the expo seeks to develop it into a colossal industry.

The 2025 12th International e-Mobility Expo will feature global conferences with 50 sessions involving participation from 50 countries, including the Silicon Valley investment promotion business forum, the 3rd International Eco Ship Expo, the World e-Mobility Council General Assembly and Forum, student EV autonomous driving competitions, the Korea-ASEAN EV Forum, the Korea-Japan-China EV Forum, the Global UAM Forum, the Korea-Africa Mobility Energy Forum, the Global Battery Forum, and the International EV Standards Forum.

Choi Yeol, Chairman of the Environmental Foundation, stated, “We need to reduce vehicle emissions to address climate issues, and electric vehicles are becoming the norm for achieving this,” and expressed hope that the transition to energy through e-mobility could be a crucial step in overcoming the climate crisis.

Gil Hong-geun, Chairman of the Korean Electric Ship Association, pointed out, “There’s a significant national focus on electric vehicle batteries and safety. Through this expo, we may create a new opportunity to dispel the fears surrounding electric vehicles and open a new chapter in mobility through battery safety.”

Bang Seung-chan, President of the Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, remarked, “Starting from electricity, we are advancing towards electric vehicles and e-mobility, encompassing UAM, autonomous driving, and robotics; all of these are forms of mobility. Let’s come together to ensure the ‘e’ in e-mobility includes electricity, electronics, and energy while promoting electrification and autonomy.”

Moon Guk-hyun, Chairman, said, “It feels like people who have been wandering for 11 years have finally found their home. Although we have drawn global attention, domestically we’ve faced criticism for lacking in performance as a single enterprise. Now, the tide is high, and the ships are ready to set sail.” He encouraged looking beyond just the U.S. and China, suggesting the recruitment of promising Indian companies and establishing an Indian pavilion to involve students and startups.

Hee-bum Lee, Permanent Chair, declared, “The 12th Expo will change its venue to Jeju Shinhwa World and will focus on key areas, including electric vehicles, UAM, electric ships, and the electrification of agricultural machinery, to lead Korea as a bastion for e-mobility exports.” He announced plans to transition into a global business networking platform, transporting over 10,000 participants from more than 50 countries to the expo. Furthermore, he stated intentions to push forward with energy and digital transitions toward carbon neutrality in 2035 at Jeju.

Lee Sang-jin daedusj@autodiary.kr

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