The EV6 has finally undergone its first upgrade after three years. To be precise, it’s a product improvement model. It has improved the quality of safety and convenience equipment, and the battery, which is the core of electric vehicles, has also been enhanced. Although the manufacturer claims to have frozen prices, the reduction of subsidies has increased the burden on consumers. These are the key points of change. I had the opportunity to test drive the GT-Line long-range model provided by Kia, which features 19-inch tires and a 2WD model with a built-in camera.

The battery has seen the most significant changes. It now uses a 4th generation battery with increased energy density. The capacity has expanded from 77.4 kWh to 84 kWh, extending the driving range from 475 km to 494 km (based on the long-range 2WD, 19-inch tires, and without the built-in camera). The test vehicle’s range on a full charge is 456 km.

Calculating the effective driving range requires some consideration. If you start charging at a 10% battery level and only charge up to 80%, you are effectively using only 70% of the battery. Thus, the driving range decreases to about 70%, which would be around 320 km for the test vehicle. In reality, the vehicle performs far better than the rated efficiency, so there’s not much to worry about. For instance, during an economical drive over a 55 km stretch from Paju to Seoul, the efficiency recorded was 6.7 km/kWh, significantly better than the official combined efficiency of 4.9 km/kWh.

The rapid charging speed has also improved. Charging from 10% to 80% now only takes 18 minutes with a 350 kW ultra-fast charger. The plug&charge feature allows for immediate start of charging upon connection and also takes care of the payment, making the charging process exceptionally convenient. However, there may be situations where users have to wait, but by familiarizing themselves with the charging reservation feature through a smartphone app, inconvenience can be minimized. Owning an electric vehicle demands a different lifestyle compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.

The panoramic curved display is filled with information and functions. Navigating through the touch screen can be so engaging that you might feel lost within it. One of the most competitive features is the AI-based voice recognition system. By asking naturally in a conversational manner, it understands the meaning and responds appropriately. Many functions, including greetings, weather inquiries, music selection, and destination setting, can be handled through voice commands. So, if you want to adjust the cabin temperature or activate the heated seats or steering wheel while driving, you don’t need to fumble for buttons. Just press the voice recognition system button and say, “Turn on heated steering wheel,” and it does the rest. Being a Korean car, it excels in understanding Korean language commands.

The V2L (Vehicle-to-Load) feature can’t be overlooked. This function allows the use of household appliances using the high-voltage battery. You can dry your hair, grill pork belly, or power a refrigerator. It’s perfect for camping partners. During natural disasters when power outages occur, it can serve as an emergency power supply. A 220V plug can be connected to the charging port, or a 220V plug is also located under the second-row seats inside the cabin.

The spacious interior is a benefit of the dedicated e-GMP platform for electric vehicles. Sitting in the back seat offers ample space, rivaling that of a large sedan. Although there’s a slight overhead space constraint in the back row, it’s not significantly uncomfortable.

The driving quality of the electric car is unmatched when compared to traditional engine vehicles. It is overwhelmingly superior. The heaviest battery keeps the center of gravity low in the midship position. The long wheelbase also contributes positively. This structural characteristic results in minimal shake, and any shake that does occur is met with a strong rebound effect, ensuring stability. The comfort of an electric vehicle shines during high-speed driving. The up-and-down vibrations from road undulations, side-to-side shakes, and front-to-back oscillations are noticeably reduced. Additionally, the rear-wheel-drive setup provides an impressive driving feel as it pushes from behind.

If the electric vehicle’s structural characteristics secure driving stability in a broad sense, detailed ride comfort is enhanced by frequency-response shock absorbers and the 19-inch tires. These elements contribute to an overall high-quality driving comfort.

Driving an electric vehicle heavily relies on how skillfully you manage the regenerative braking system. The fun of driving and the joy of conserving electricity can both be realized through it. You can adjust the levels of regenerative braking using paddles, shifting between 0, 1, 2, and 3, or utilize the Auto mode. Pulling the paddles provides a braking effect akin to pressing the brake pedal. There’s also an i-Pedal feature, which allows you to control acceleration and deceleration using just the accelerator pedal, effectively eliminating the need for a brake pedal. Just like shifting an automatic transmission manually, you can actively engage in driving an electric vehicle by operating the paddles.

The quietness during normal driving is also impressive. Even when speeding up, it demonstrates relative quietness, resulting in a lower perceived speed. The sensation of speed felt by the body is significantly lower than the actual speed.

The driving assistance system has greatly improved. The Highway Driving Assist System 2 enhances completeness by supporting lane changes. It reduces speed at highway entrance and exit ramps, curves, and can respond to speed camera warnings. However, the driving assistance system can also be a source of concern. There’s a risk of over-relying on it, leading to distractions for the driver. It’s better to recognize it as a safety feature that helps cover areas that the driver might overlook. One must remember that in the event of an accident, the system cannot be blamed.

The maximum output is 229 horsepower, and the curb weight is exactly 2,000 kg. The weight-to-horsepower ratio is 8.8 kg/hp. The best time recorded for 0-100 km/h acceleration, measured with a GPS device, was 7.51 seconds.

Kia emphasizes that it has frozen the selling prices. However, government subsidies have decreased compared to last year, increasing consumer burden. This could be viewed as a distortion in the market due to subsidies. For the long-range models, the prices after applying eco-friendly vehicle tax benefits are as follows: ▲ Light 52,600,000 KRW ▲ Air 55,300,000 KRW ▲ Earth 59,350,000 KRW ▲ GT-Line 59,950,000 KRW. Subtracting government subsidies from these amounts gives the net price burden for consumers.

There are many concerns regarding electric vehicle sales. There seems to be a greater need for efforts to bring down prices. For a significant leap forward, prices need to come down to a level where consumers can buy the car without subsidies.

For those contemplating purchasing an electric vehicle, my advice is simple: if you can use a dedicated level 2 charger, it’s wise to switch to an electric vehicle as soon as possible. If you can solve your home-cooking needs, there’s no reason not to drive an electric vehicle. However, if you cannot use a dedicated level 2 charger, it’s better to delay your purchase. Relying solely on public chargers can be quite inconvenient.

Direct words from Oh Jong-hoon

Upon opening the trunk, the acute angles of the rear combination lamp become evident. While closed, it poses no issue, but if one were to bump into it while the trunk is open during camping or outdoor activities, it could potentially cause an injury. Acute angles in vehicles are generally a no-go.

The voice recognition system responds to a myriad of functions extensively. However, a single drawback is that it cannot be activated by voice commands alone. It would be better if it could be activated by commands like “Hello Kia” or “Hi Kia.” Having been implemented in the EV3, we hope to see it introduced in the EV6 soon.

Oh Jong-hoon