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KT Elevates Mobile Service Quality with AI: A New Era of Customer Satisfaction

KT employees are checking the call quality of 5G and LTE services through an AI system at a subway station. Photo credit: KT

KT announced on the 2nd that it has launched a ‘Customer Experience Quality Analysis System’ that enhances 5G and LTE service quality using AI.

The Customer Experience Quality Analysis System collects and analyzes over one billion customer quality data points per day in real-time, focusing on factors such as the strength of wireless signals, noise interference ratios, and data download speeds. This analyzed information is converted into coordinate-based data, organized by grid roads or individual buildings.

This system improves upon a two-dimensional (latitude and longitude) quality analysis system by transforming it into a three-dimensional (latitude, longitude, altitude) one. It was developed to collect 50 times more data using the ‘MDT (Minimization of Drive Test)’ approach. MDT functions by gathering all quality information from base stations across the nation based on coordinates.

Utilizing the Customer Experience Quality Analysis System allows for a more precise assessment of quality within approximately three million buildings nationwide, including department stores, shopping malls, and terminals, by level and space. In the case of subways, it enables detailed checks of quality information for both platform and tunnel sections, visualizing exactly where improvements are needed.

KT engineers responsible for wireless quality in various regions can assess network status using this system, allowing for quick inspections and helping them find optimal locations for new base stations to deliver high-quality wireless services to customers.

KT plans to implement a Large Language Model (LLM) for the Customer Experience Quality Analysis System. This will help predict customer inconveniences proactively and recommend solutions for quality improvement.

Otaek-kyun, head of KT’s network operations division, stated, “By providing solutions that enable rapid and accurate analysis of the quality that customers actually experience, we will enable field employees to focus more on quality improvement tasks for customers. We will continue to strive to improve customer inconveniences.”

By Lee Sang-jin

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