
Meet the New Face of Encar.com: Popular Artist Kian84 Takes Center Stage

Encar.com has selected cartoonist and broadcaster Kian84 as the model for its new advertising campaign for 2024.

Encar.com stated that Kian84, who has gained immense affection from the public as a versatile artist crossing the boundaries of art and entertainment, not only has experience in buying and selling used cars but also aligns well with the image of Encar as a leading used car platform.

Moving forward, Encar.com will execute online and offline advertising campaigns with Kian84 to promote key services such as ‘Encar Diagnosis’, ‘Trust Encar’, and ‘Comparison Quotes’.

With a strong fan base in the MZ generation, Kian84’s role as the new face of this advertising campaign is expected to further convey Encar’s brand value and its customer-centric services to a wider audience.

Currently, a teaser image capturing Kian84’s unmatched charm in a fashion editorial-like atmosphere has been released, building anticipation for what is to come. The main video of this campaign showcasing Kian84’s unique appeal will be released in the future.

Kian84 has emerged as a trendsetter in the entertainment industry, winning an entertainment award last year and making waves across various broadcasting and OTT platforms. His genuine and unpretentious demeanor in MBC’s entertainment program ‘I Live Alone’, and the popular travel program ‘Born to Travel the World’, continues to draw attention.

A representative from Encar.com remarked, “Kian84 is cherished by various age groups for his candid and unpretentious persona. We expect this new model to strengthen communication with the MZ generation and convey the brand value exclusive to Encar through this brand campaign.”

Lee Sang-jin daedusj@autodiary.kr

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