Children and environmental protection. This is the world Mercedes-Benz envisions.
The dream of Mercedes-Benz begins with children. As children are the future of society, it is the responsibility of society to ensure their safety and protection. As a socially responsible company, Mercedes-Benz is dedicated to the safety of children, who represent the future of society.
First, to ensure the safety of children on their way to school, the company conducts annual wall painting activities at schools. There are over 500 traffic accidents involving children under the age of 12 on their way to school each year. Every day, more than one incident occurs where children are harmed due to careless driving by adults.
Mercedes-Benz collaborates with local dealerships to conduct wall painting activities, raising awareness among drivers about school zones. Additionally, the company provides safety flags for children on their way to school and organizes traffic safety guide campaigns.
On the 24th, Mercedes-Benz opened the children’s complex cultural space ‘Dullaknalak’ in Busan. The 450 million won donated from last year’s Give & Race event was used for the construction of Dullaknalak. This space is designed to be an analog and digital hybrid space that is child-friendly and focuses on sports. It is located in the northern park square of the Busan Gyeongjeong Sports Park.
But Mercedes-Benz does not stop there. In collaboration with children, the Future Foundation, and the Busan Metropolitan City, the company plans to build protection facilities for children who have been victims of violence, helping those affected grow into responsible citizens.
Mercedes-Benz is also actively engaged in environmental protection for a sustainable tomorrow. The company planted 5,520 trees in Ttukseom Hangang Park to create the Green Plus Urban Forest. The forest provides citizens with a touch of nature in the urban environment and helps improve air quality and mitigate heat island effects.
In collaboration with local governments, volunteer centers, and employees from Mercedes-Benz Korea and its dealers, the company is conducting ‘Green Plus Plogging’. This activity involves picking up trash while jogging, allowing participants to stay healthy while cleaning up their neighborhoods—a win-win social activity. Additionally, Mercedes-Benz runs the Green Plus Kids program for elementary school students across the country, educating them about climate crisis awareness and the importance of carbon neutrality through creative kits, plogging bags, workbooks, and educational videos.
Lee Sang-jin