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KG Mobility Launches Innovative Experience Center for Test Drives

On the 14th, KG Mobility announced the operation of a ‘Test Drive Center’ to enhance customer satisfaction and allow customers to make regret-free purchasing decisions through test drives and customer experiences prior to vehicle purchase.

The newly opened ‘Test Drive Center’ is located within KGM’s Gunpo and Daejeon regional service centers, allowing customers to utilize their waiting times comfortably for test drive experiences while receiving other services.

Additionally, all customers who wish to test drive can experience this service by applying through KGM’s official website ( Customers can also receive friendly purchasing consultations without any obligation if they want.

Online test drive applications can be made for three time slots on weekdays (10 AM, 2 PM, and 3:30 PM) and weekend rentals (for 2 nights and 3 days) are also available, providing a variety of experiences through family trips.

To celebrate the opening of the Test Drive Center, an event has been prepared. All customers who test drive on weekdays will receive an eco-friendly eco bag, and weekend test drive customers who upload their reviews on social media will be entered into a prize draw for gifts.

The test drive lineup includes five models: Torres EVX, Torres, Tivoli, Rexton, and Rexton Sports Khan. Additionally, new models such as the coupe model utilizing the Torres platform and the electric pickup O100 will be added to the lineup according to their release schedules.

Test drive courses have been thoughtfully arranged to match the characteristics of the vehicles. A long course for city and highway driving is suitable for customers looking for more in-depth experiences, while a short course within 30 minutes is available for those wanting quicker test drives. There are also options for customers to customize their test drive routes outside the designated courses.

A KGM representative said, “We have established a test drive center within the regional service center to enhance customer convenience and efficiency,” adding that, “We plan to expand operations to metropolitan areas across the country within this year to improve customer accessibility and convenience.”

Additionally, the representative mentioned, “We plan to expand the test drive program to allow customers to experience KGM vehicles more conveniently and diversely.”

Lee Sang-jin

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