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Volvo Korea Claims Top Spot in Consumer Satisfaction for Four Consecutive Years!

Volvo Cars Korea has ranked first in the product satisfaction (TGR) category for four consecutive years in Consumer Insight’s ‘2023 Automotive Planning Survey.’ Additionally, it has also secured the top spot among European brands in the AS satisfaction (CSI) category, proving its differentiated ‘Swedish Luxury’ value in all areas of product and service.

Consumer Insight, a specialized consumer research agency, has been conducting the largest annual automotive planning survey in Korea since 2001, targeting about 100,000 car consumers each year. Previously, domestic and imported car brands were presented separately, but this year they were compared for the first time in an integrated manner. The survey was conducted among approximately 100,000 licensed drivers who own a car or plan to purchase one within the next two years.

Among those, the ‘Product Satisfaction (TGR)’ evaluation was carried out on 7,298 individuals who purchased a new car within the past year. Volvo Cars achieved an impressive score of 868, which is 61 points higher than the industry average of 807, claiming first place overall among domestic and imported car brands for four consecutive years. It received the highest scores in five of the eleven evaluation categories, including ▲ exterior design ▲ interior design ▲ safety ▲ seats ▲ advanced functions and devices, demonstrating its outstanding product quality.

Furthermore, in the ‘AS Satisfaction Survey (CSI)’ conducted on 34,504 individuals who have experience using official service centers, Volvo Cars recorded a score of 856, a 10-point increase from the previous year, ranking first among European brands (second overall). This achievement is significant as it marks three consecutive years of holding the top position among European brands in this category. It reflects the results of Volvo Cars’ proactive investments and efforts towards improving service quality and expanding its network.

Lee Yun-mo, CEO of Volvo Cars Korea, stated, “The results of our investment in maximizing customer satisfaction have allowed us to establish ourselves as a brand recognized in all areas of product and service. We will continue to pursue both quantitative and qualitative growth, ensuring that customers feel the differentiated value of Swedish premium.”

Meanwhile, Volvo Cars Korea has achieved sales of 12,507 units from January to September 2023, reflecting a 33% growth compared to the same period last year. It continues to focus on quality growth, actively investing in improving product satisfaction and customer satisfaction. By partnering with Tmap Mobility with an investment of 30 billion won, they are further enhancing their integrated Tmap infotainment service, offering differentiated products and services tailored to the domestic market. Additionally, in line with the steadily increasing sales, they plan to expand their service network through significant investments of 111 billion won this year and secure specialized personnel (techicians).

Lee Sang-jin

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