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Hyundai Motor Group Partners with SOAS London University to Establish Strategic Research Centers for Africa’s Growth

Hyundai Motor Group is establishing two research centers in collaboration with SOAS University of London, aimed specifically at developing strategies for growth in the African market.

On the 18th (local time), Hyundai Motor Group and SOAS University of London held the opening ceremony of the ‘Development Leadership Dialogue Institute’ at Brunei Gallery in London.

SOAS is one of the 17 constituent colleges of the University of London, specifically focused on research pertaining to developing countries, particularly in Asia and Africa.

The opening ceremony was attended by key figures including Vice President Kim Gyeon, head of the Management Research Institute at Hyundai Motor Group; Vice President Kim Heung-soo, head of GSO; Ashley Andrew, Managing Director of Hyundai UK; Paul Philpott, Managing Director of Kia UK; and prominent members from SOAS, including President Adam Habib, Vice President Laura Hammond, Dean Eliza van Wyngaarden, Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Professor Christopher Kramer, Professor Jonathan Di John, and Professor Antonio Andreoni.

The DLD will be jointly operated by Professor Ha-Joon Chang, Professor Christopher Kramer, and Professor Jonathan Di John from SOAS. Africa is anticipated to have a population of around 1.7 billion by 2035, indicating its potential as a rich market.

Additionally, Hyundai Motor Group plans to establish a Sustainable Structural Change Institute in collaboration with SOAS in February 2024.

Through this partnership with SOAS, Hyundai Motor Group aims to enhance its fundamental understanding of the African market and conduct research on desirable future growth for Africa. This initiative is not just about expanding vehicle sales but aims to propose ways for mutually beneficial collaboration with African nations.

Leveraging its technological expertise, Hyundai intends to explore avenues for industrial development in Africa while establishing partnerships in resource development and renewable energy cooperation across various African countries.

The DLD will serve as a platform for government, corporate, and private sector experts to engage in interdisciplinary discussions, regular debates, workshops, and seminars concerning policies related to industrialization in Africa and other developing countries. In the future, it will also implement leadership programs targeted at emerging leaders in government and business.

The CSST research institute, set to open in February 2024, will focus on four key topics: ▲ Energy Transition ▲ Mineral Resources ▲ Reorganization of International Supply Chains ▲ Development of New Infrastructure. Based on this foundation, the institute aims to propose socio-economic development strategies for developing countries centered in Africa, alongside concrete research and visions for the roles of private enterprises and developing country governments, including Hyundai Motor Group.

During the opening ceremony, President Adam Habib of SOAS remarked, “SOAS needs a platform for stakeholders from various countries to engage in mutual exchange and cooperation. The DLD Center, established with the support of Hyundai Motor Group, will serve as a bridge connecting the global community and will be a place for contemplating the values of sustainability.”

Vice President Kim Heung-soo of Hyundai Motor Group’s GSO expressed, “Hyundai Motor Group will collaborate with leaders and experts concerned with Africa to explore desirable growth directions. We hope to engage in long-term cooperation with African nations using our leading technologies and know-how across various fields such as mobility, energy, and construction.”

Lee Sang-jin

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