The Ultimate Guide to Permatex 80345 White Lithium Grease: Reviews and Insights

Permatex 80345 White Lithium Grease

Product Overview

The Permatex 80345 White Lithium Grease is a versatile lubricant designed for use in a wide array of applications. This grease can effectively tackle squeaks and ensure smooth operation of mechanical parts. The convenient 1.5 oz. size makes it easy to apply to all the tricky spots that need lubrication.

User Reviews

With so many uses, itโ€™s not surprising to find varied user experiences. Letโ€™s dive into what users are saying about the effectiveness of Permatex 80345 White Lithium Grease.

“I bought this to lubricate the hinges of my car doors, and the guides on the sliding windows. It works great!”

– JL, 28-09-2023

“Worked well on my elliptical machine. The noise disappeared and has not returned!”

– BG, 22-02-2013

“I needed something for my kids’ squeaky doors. After application, they truly were like new. Highly recommended!”

– AmazonDOG, 21-01-2018, Helpful votes: 59

Many users praise the ease of use and effectiveness of this grease in a variety of contexts. One user mentioned specifically how this grease was essential in fixing their old DVD player:

“The Permatex 80345 White Lithium Grease is an excellent choice for anyone in need of a reliable lubricant. It works perfectly for greasing moving parts on various DVD, console, and CD drives that have ejection mechanisms. This product is particularly great for refurbishing these devices!”

– Jack of all Trades, 25-04-2024

Another user emphasized its success in an unexpected application:

“I just used a paper towel to smear a bit on the door hinges, opened and closed the door a bunch to work it in, and BAM, no more squeaking.”

– Chelsea Harvey, 22-10-2023

Real-Life Scenario

Imagine this: you have just returned home after a long day and you find that your garage door is screeching like a banshee every time you open and close it. Frustrated, you dive into your toolbox and grab your trusty Permatex 80345 White Lithium Grease. Within minutes, you apply it to the hinges and the sliding rails and just like that, the noise is gone! Your garage door is smooth and silent once again. The quiet is such a relief that you can almost hear yourself breathe again.

Greasing the garage door

Using Permatex Grease on garage door hinges for a smooth operation.


Based on the myriad reviews, Permatex 80345 White Lithium Grease emerges as a go-to solution for many sticky situations. Whether it’s for automotive, household, or hobby uses, it seems to perform remarkably well across the board. No wonder it has a loyal following!

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