“Let’s proactively monitor market changes with the big ears of a rabbit, overcome crises with the wisdom of a rabbit, and jump up a level with long legs to expedite the achievement of becoming a global Top Tier by 2030.”
On the 2nd, Samsung SDI President Choi Yun-ho made this appeal during the 2023 New Year’s ceremony held at the Giheung campus auditorium.
In his New Year’s address, President Choi stated, “Thanks to the employees’ dedicated efforts, we achieved record-high sales and profits in 2022, marking the best business performance in our history,” and noted that, “Although uncertainties will continue this year due to the U.S.-China conflict and raw material supply risks, with thorough preparation under a clear strategic direction, it could also transform into great opportunities.”
President Choi emphasized, “We need to actively execute the tasks we must pursue this year to become a global Top Tier company by 2030 under the management policy of ‘super-gap technological competitiveness’, ‘top quality’, and ‘qualitative growth with profitability superiority.'”
First, President Choi highlighted that “Only companies with solid technological competitiveness in the battery and electronic materials industry can be winners,” adding that “we must focus our capabilities on timely development of new electric vehicle batteries and securing next-generation technological leadership.”
He continued, “Quality competitiveness is linked to all processes from the design of the product itself to the components and materials that comprise it, as well as up to mass production,” and urged that “to secure the best quality, let’s strengthen quality management across the entire process from development to mass production and enhance collaboration with partner companies.”
In addition, he noted that “The expansion of our operations in Hungary and Malaysia is accelerating, and the construction of a battery factory in the United States is in full swing,” emphasizing that “we must thoroughly prepare for successful entry into global markets and early establishment of our operational competitiveness.”
Finally, President Choi said, “Let’s enhance our ESG leadership by fulfilling social responsibilities alongside company growth and improving communication among employees,” emphasizing that “we must secure a super-gap ESG leadership that fulfills our social responsibilities in all business processes, including our management activities and our entire upstream and downstream value chain, addressing climate change, promoting resource recycling, enhancing labor rights, ensuring strict legal compliance, and fostering coexistence with the community.”
Lee Sang-jin daedusj@autodiary.kr