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Toyota’s Heartwarming Tradition: The Annual Kimjang Sharing Event

Korea Toyota Motor, in collaboration with the Seoul Council of Social Welfare, held the ‘2022 Toyota·Lexus Kimjang Sharing’ event on the 18th and 19th, involving employees from 16 official Toyota and Lexus dealers across the nation, Toyota Financial Services Korea, and the Toyota Weekend Farmers.

Since its inception in 2012, the ‘Kimjang Sharing’ event has been a participatory program where Toyota Weekend Farmers make kimchi and donate it to marginalized neighbors, representing one of Korea Toyota’s prominent social contribution activities continued for 11 years. Last year, the event was expanded, allowing employees from nationwide Toyota·Lexus official dealers to personally participate in delivering kimchi to welfare centers and the social welfare organization ‘Anna’s House’ in various regions.

This year, in partnership with the Seoul Council of Social Welfare, 18 tons (approximately 6,000 heads) of kimjang kimchi were made and delivered directly to vulnerable households, encompassing 1,825 families across 10 welfare centers and social welfare organizations, including ‘Anna’s House.’

Nobuyuki Takemura, President of Korea Toyota Motor, stated, “Korea Toyota Motor aims to maximize the happiness of Toyota and Lexus customers while also contributing to Korean society. The Kimjang Sharing event is a cornerstone of our social contribution efforts, and I believe it is a valuable activity conducted in collaboration with our dealers and local communities.” He added, “I hope the kimchi made with care brings warmth to the winter of neighbors in need.”

Additionally, Korea Toyota Motor continues to engage in social contribution activities focused on human resource development and the environment, such as the Sejong Dream Tree Orchestra, the T-TEP development program with automotive technology colleges, Lexus Creative Masters, and Lexus Young Farmers, aiming to become a beloved corporate citizen in Korea.

Contact: Lee Sang-jin at

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