Toyota Korea announced that Lexus secured the top spot and Toyota the second in the imported vehicle category for ‘initial quality’ and ‘durability quality’ in the ‘2022 Automotive Planning Survey’ conducted by Consumer Insight.
Initial quality is measured based on the number of quality-related issues experienced over an average of six months by individuals who purchased new cars between July 2021 and June 2022. Durability quality is assessed based on the number of quality-related problems experienced by consumers (who purchased a new car in 2019) after an average of three years of ownership. The high reliability of both surveys stems from direct evaluations by vehicle owners.
In this quality survey, the average score for initial quality among imported cars was 143 points, while the average score for durability quality was 258 points—indicating that lower scores correspond to fewer issues, reflecting superior quality competitiveness. Lexus maintained its lead for two consecutive years with scores of 84 and 107 for initial and durability quality, respectively. Toyota recorded scores of 88 and 128, securing second place.
Nobuyuki Takemura, President of Toyota Korea, expressed, “We are very pleased to achieve outstanding results in this prestigious consumer survey. We will do our utmost to ensure higher customer satisfaction through thorough customer engagement.”
Meanwhile, Consumer Insight has been conducting automotive consumer surveys since 2001, and this year’s survey was conducted in July among a total of 95,719 automobile owners and prospective buyers of vehicles within two years.
By Lee Sang-jin