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Audi’s House of Progress: A Vision for Sustainable Mobility Unveiled

Audi Korea successfully concluded the ‘House of Progress’ brand exhibition in Gangnam’s Garosu-gil from the 8th to the 16th, a nine-day event. During this exhibition, Audi presented four themes for future mobility and emphasized its continuous efforts toward sustainable premium mobility.

The ‘House of Progress’ is Audi’s brand exhibition that has been showcased in major cities worldwide, including the IAA 2021 Munich International Motor Show. ‘House of Progress Seoul’ featured five Audi electric vehicles currently sold in Korea, including the ‘Audi RS e-tron GT’ and ‘The New Audi Q4 e-tron’, along with Audi’s flagship sedan, the ‘Audi A8’. The event also marked the domestic debut of the ‘Audi Urban Sphere Concept’, the latest and third concept car in the Audi Sphere series.

The ‘Audi Urban Sphere Concept’ is a large luxury-class concept car developed based on Level 4 autonomous driving technology, following the ‘Audi Skysphere Concept’ and the ‘Audi Grandsphere Concept’, showcasing Audi’s vision for future premium mobility.

During the event, Audi introduced the brand’s four core values: sustainability, digitalization, design, and performance, providing various experiential programs. Visitors were able to experience Audi vehicles firsthand and engage in test drives, getting a closer look at the Audi brand, while a docent program offered detailed information about Audi vehicles.

During the event, customers were invited to the ‘Night of Progress’, which combined fine dining with storytelling sessions where several narrators shared their experiences and discussed Audi’s advancements. Featured storytellers included Park Seul-ah, the first female exterior designer at Audi AG who designed the ‘Audi Urban Sphere Concept’, Master Chef Kim Song-ki, columnist Shin Dong-heon, and Audi ambassador Choi Si-won. They conveyed the meaning of progress in their fields and Audi’s vision of Living Progress, with videos of the talks available on Audi Korea’s official YouTube channel.

Through this event, Audi emphasized its vision and solutions for future mobility and its ongoing efforts toward a sustainable future.

Audi Korea’s CEO, Lim Hyun-ki, stated, “I am very pleased to have the opportunity to convey Audi’s efforts and activities regarding sustainability, digitalization, design, and performance at the ‘House of Progress,’ as well as the vision for future premium mobility.” He added, “We will continue to hold various brand exhibitions and events to introduce the Audi brand to customers and provide diverse opportunities for them to experience Audi and its vehicles.”

Lee Sang-jin

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